
How Do I Use My Domin Name For Email Amazon Web Service

Domain email AWS – How to practice it

You lot tin send and receive emails on your ain domain in AWS. It ends up costing practically zilch, only does require a few bits of prepare-up.

Lets say your domain is and your regular email address is

Showtime you lot accept to configure AWS and so that emails to get forwarded to y' Then yous demand to configure Gmail to let you send emails as

PS, "anything" means annihilation. Whatever emails to or or volition all be processed. For sending, you need to configure your email client for each address you want to transport as.

"Domain email AWS" is a common query merely AWS has no built-in quick-and-like shooting fish in a barrel back up for it. AWS themselves have finally created a guide for setting upwards AWS domain e-mail, just there are problems with it. Information technology's a petty hard to follow and the Lambda function they offer for forwarding emails tin only send to one accost and sends the original email as a .eml file attachment. This means that you have to download and and so open up the zipper in a suitable mail application to see the original email. That'due south not ideal.

At that place is a much better solution here, and this is the one we will use. With this forwarder you lot can ship to multiple recipients and the e-mail is sent just like an ordinary email that you can immediately read and reply to.

You can configure rules for how emails are forwarded. Yous tin can forward emails to different destinations depending on the original target address, so emails for could become to a different place than emails to

Yous can also forward each email to multiple addresses.

Domain email AWS setup – High level view

  1. A DNS entry causes emails to your domain to be routed to AWS Simple Email Service (SES)
  2. An SES dominion saves the email to an AWS S3 saucepan and triggers a Lambda office
  3. The AWS Lambda function reads the message and forwards information technology to you via SES

Exist advised that there is a 10MB size limit on emails (ship or receive) through SES.

In this guide we assume that you are hosting your domain on AWS Road 53. If you're using a different DNS yous volition accept to make the DNS changes manually post-obit instructions that you will see in AWS. We requite instructions for configuring Gmail to send emails on your domain. For other email clients the principle is the same and you need the same details from AWS, but the settings in your e-mail client volition be in a dissimilar identify.

Costs for AWS email forwarding

If you received 10,000 2KB emails per month it would cost you APPROXIMATELY:

  • $1 for SES
  • $0.10 for S3
  • $0.x for Lambda

These are just indications. Y'all should take intendance to ensure that y'all understand AWS pricing and that but yous are responsible for any bills you lot incur.

The cost would exist lower if yous are on the free tier.

Remove restrictions on sending emails in SES

If you haven't used SES before then your account volition exist in the sandbox. This limits you to only sending emails that y'all verify in accelerate. To send emails to any address, y'all have to submit a request to move out of the sandbox.

If your AWS account is brand new this request may be rejected. If you've been using AWS, and paying your bills, for a while and then you should be canonical.

  1. On the SES management console page
  2. Choose Sending statistics
  3. Click Request a Sending Limit Increase

Complete the form post-obit these instructions

Verify your domain on SES

  1. In the SES management console page
  2. Change to the region closest to you. If you're a Britain user, London isn't supported yet, and then choose Ireland
  3. Choose Domains from the left card
  4. Click Verify a new domain
  5. Enter your domain name
  6. Click Verify this domain

You will be shown two DNS records that you need to add. If you lot're using Road 53 you can click on Use Route 53 to have it done automatically – be sure to tick both the checkboxes so that both the Domain Verification Record and the Electronic mail Receiving Record are created.

Your domain will bear witness as pending verification until the DNS records propagate. Take a look at the hosted zone for your domain in Route 53 and yous'll see the two new records. The MX record is the one that causes emails to your domain to be sent to SES

Verification should complete in a few minutes if you're using Road 53. In one case verified, you can motion on.

Set up the S3 Saucepan

When an email is received by SES it gets copied into an S3 bucket. You demand to create a bucket and fix the permissions so that SES can store emails in it.

You volition need your AWS business relationship id first:

  1. Under your user name in the pinnacle right, go to My Account
  2. Copy the numeric Account Id

In S3:

  1. Click Create Bucket
  2. Enter a proper noun such as
  3. Brand certain the correct region is called (the same region every bit y'all chose for SES)
  4. Click Create
  5. Click into the bucket you simply created
  6. Go to Permissions, Saucepan Policy
  7. Enter the policy given beneath after changing 2 things:
    1. supercede <bucketName> with your bucket name
    2. replace <awsAccountId> with your numeric account id
          {     "Version": "2012-10-17",     "Statement": [         {             "Sid": "AllowSESPuts",             "Effect": "Allow",             "Principal": {                 "Service": ""             },             "Action": "s3:PutObject",             "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucketName>/*",             "Status": {                 "StringEquals": {                     "aws:Referer": "<awsAccountId>"                 }             }         }     ] }        

Create the Lambda function that will forwards emails

You lot will need the Lambda function code from the GitHub project hither

  1. Open up the Lambda direction panel page
  2. Make certain the region is set up to the same ane you lot accept been using so far
  3. Click Create office
  4. Select Author from scratch
  5. Enter a function name like SesForwarder
  6. Select NodeJS 12.x equally the runtime
  7. Click Create Function
  8. Copy the code into the lambda function lawmaking editor, deleting whatever is already there

Near the meridian is the config that you demand to change:

          var defaultConfig = {   fromEmail: "",   subjectPrefix: "",   emailBucket: "s3-saucepan-proper name",   emailKeyPrefix: "",   forwardMapping: {     "": [       ""     ],   } };        
  1. Modify fromEmail to your ain electronic mail address eg This has to be an business relationship you already have where y'all can receive emails, because it has to be verified
  2. Modify emailBucket to the bucket you created
  3. Exit emailKeyPrefix bare
  4. In forwardMapping, create an entry equally shown, using your domain name

Now we have to modify the permissions for the Lambda role and then that it tin utilise SES and S3.

  1. Scroll down to Execution role
  2. Open up the link to "View the apathetic-role on the IAM console" in a new tab
  3. Expand the policy and click Edit policy
  4. Select the JSON view
  5. Add together the post-obit JSON as shown in blue in the paradigm, setting your saucepan proper name. Note the comma at the start which continues from the existing policy lawmaking
  6. Click Review policy and Relieve changes
  7. Become dorsum to your Lambda function and save it
                      ,       {          "Consequence": "Allow",          "Action": "ses:SendRawEmail",          "Resource": "*"       },       {          "Effect": "Allow",          "Activeness": [             "s3:GetObject",             "s3:PutObject"          ],          "Resources": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET-NAME/*"       }        
domain email aws lambda ses policy

Verify email addresses

The e-mail addresses y'all chose for MailSender and MailRecipient have to exist verified in SES before you can use them.

  1. In the SES direction console page
  2. Click Email Addresses so Verify a New Email Address
  3. Enter the electronic mail address yous desire to utilize. This has to be one where you lot can receive emails
  4. Click Verify This Email Accost
  5. Check your electronic mail and complete the verification

Configure SES to handle emails

At present we'll tell SES what to practice when an email comes in: Copy it to your S3 bucket and invoke your Lambda role

  1. In the SES management console page
  2. Click Rule Sets
  3. Click Create a Receipt Dominion
  4. For the recipient, specify your domain name to process all emails to your domain, eg
  5. Click Next stride
  6. On the Actions page, choose S3 every bit the action blazon
  7. Select your S3 bucket
  8. Get out the other fields as is
  9. Add together a Lambda action
  10. Select your Lambda office
  11. Go out the other fields as is
  12. Click Next Step
  13. Enter a sensible value for the Rule proper noun
  14. Tick Enabled and Enable spam and virus scanning
  15. Go out the other fields
  16. Click Next Step
  17. Bank check the details and click Create Rule

Y'all volition probably go a Missing Permissions error. Just click Add together permissions.

Your email forwarder is now enabled.

Verify the setup

Transport an email to

If everything is properly configured, you lot should meet an entry announced in the S3 bucket, and an email should be forwarded to your chosen accost.

If it isn't working, go to your Lambda part, click to the monitoring tab, then click View logs in Cloudwatch. Open the latest log entry and look for errors.

Information technology may take a few minutes for the electronic mail to come through.

When you receive emails, if you inspect the details you will see that it appears to be from (or whatever address you used every bit the fromEmail in the Lambda function) only the reply-to address is the address of the sender.

If you answer to the email, it volition reply to the original sender. The reason that the from address is your own is because although SES can receive e-mail from anyone (once you're out of the sandbox) it can simply send emails from verified addresses. This is why in the setup you had to verify your own email address and tell the Lambda role to use that accost as the fromEmail.

Configure your email client to send emails as your domain electronic mail

  1. In the SES direction console folio
  2. Click SMTP settings then Create my SMTP Credentials
  3. Enter a sensible name for the user and click Create
  4. Click Show User SMTP Security Credentials
  5. Make a copy of the SMTP Username and SMTP Password and keep it condom considering y'all won't be able to admission information technology again
  6. As well make a note of the Server Proper noun shown on the SMTP Settings screen

Instructions for GMail

  1. Go to settings, Accounts and Import
  2. Under Send mail every bit, click Add together another email address
  3. Enter the domain electronic mail accost yous want to send as, eg
  4. Ensure Treat every bit an alias is checked
  5. Click Next stride
  6. Enter the server name for your region. Yous tin can become this on the SMTP Settings page in SES, eg
  7. Enter the SMTP username and password y'all previously obtained

You will shortly receive a verification code e-mail. Copy the code and click Verify.

It seems to piece of work best if yous now reload your gmail page before trying to send an email. Compose a message. Click the downwardly pointer next to the from address and choose your new domain email accost. Send a test electronic mail to yourself. While you are in the sandbox you lot volition only be able to transport emails to the electronic mail addresses you have already verified in SES.

Set a rule to auto delete old entries from S3 storage

Those emails will build upward in your S3 bucket. Unless you particularly want to keep them fifty-fifty though y'all've received them in your usual electronic mail account, you lot tin prepare a rule to automatically delete them. This will hateful y'all're not spending coin storing old emails in S3 that y'all never admission.

What you have to practice is ready a lifecycle rule which expires the entries later a number of days, say xxx days, and so deletes expired entries after some days, say 1 mean solar day.

  1. In your S3 bucket, click the Management tab
  2. Click Add lifecycle rule
  3. Give it a proper noun eg cleanup, click Next
  4. Select both types of transition, click next
  5. On Expiration tick Current version and enter 30 for the number of days (or your chosen maximum age)
  6. Tick Previous versions and enter 1 for the number of days (or you chosen retention flow)
  7. Click Next and Relieve

This "domain email AWS" guide is part of a series of tutorials for using AWS WordPress.

Prevent spammers spoofing your domain e-mail

There are a few more than important steps. If you don't properly configure DKIM settings and then spammers can send emails pretending to be from your domain.

DKIM attaches a digital signature for a similar purpose. The receiving mail server tin retrieve the public DKIM key from DNS and verify the signature.

Without this, you may suffer ii things. Ane, post servers may start blacklisting your domain due to volumes of spam email challenge to be from your domain. Two, when a spam email gets bounced by the receiving postal service system, it will come back to you lot because information technology looks like you were the sender.

Come across this article for the correct settings to prevent email spoofing.


Can you send and receive electronic mail on your own domain with AWS?

Yes, only not with AWS Simple E-mail Service by itself – You lot also need a Lambda function to forward emails to your gmail or other business relationship.

How much does information technology cost to have email on your domain at AWS?

It depends on how many emails yous transport and receive, and how big they are. Look 10,000 emails per month to price somewhere between $1 and $one.50.

With AWS domain email forwarding, what are the limits for sending and receiving?

Until you request to be moved out of the email sandbox, you tin only send to and receive from email addresses that yous verify in SES. Once your asking to exit the sandbox has been approved, you tin ship to and receive from any address, up to the limits granted. Limits may be a maximum number per day, and/or a maximum send rate per second. You lot tin can apply for increased limits. You must adhere to the AWS SES policies that preclude spamming and protect privacy.

Is there a size limit for emails through AWS SES Simple Email Service?

Yep. The size limit is 10MB per electronic mail, send or receive.

How Do I Use My Domin Name For Email Amazon Web Service,


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